Archives for May 2011

Writing Lesson 2.34 – Advice on Becoming a Better Writer Over the Summer

Right about now, most of us are thinking of one thing — summer vacation! School books are put away, jeans and hoodies are exchanged for swim suits and flip-flops, and the list of all the fun things we want to do feels like a shiny, wrapped up package, waiting to be opened and enjoyed. But […]

Writing Lesson 2.33 – Tools of the Trade

Do you know how to properly use a keyboard? I’d say many of you type using the “hunt and peck” method. Over time, you think you’re proficient with a few fingers and know where the letters are, but the keyboard is designed to use all your fingers in the most efficient way. I’m not an […]

Writing Lesson 2.32 – Pass the Action, Please!

In its most basic form, a sentence consists of a noun and a verb, an actor and an action, someone doing something. Jesus wept. The cat sat. A quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. We can extend this action by adding a direct object–something that carries the action. This structure tells us, in […]