Our 3rd Annual Student Writing Competition

In case you missed the first announcement (which I rather unwisely posted at the end of an earlier blog post where it could be easily missed…) This month we are taking submissions for NOVELWritingSite’s 3rd Student Writing Competition! We’d love to read the first five pages of any story you’re working on. The rules are […]

Writing Lesson 3.32 – Finding Your Voice

You know that game where a friend sneaks up behind you, covers your eyes, and says, “Guess who?” By the time they speak, the game is pointless because you know the sound of your friend’s voice. Everyone has a characteristic voice. This is as true when we write as it is when we speak or […]

Writing Lesson 3.23_ Beginning with Theme in Mind

I recently viewed a movie with a refreshingly brilliant script. Sadly I can’t recommend the movie by title because Hollywood felt compelled to add explicit scenes, but let me see if I can describe why the movie impressed me. The writer began with the theme in mind: “Communication is more about understanding each others’ hearts […]

It’s That Time Again!

We’re gearing up for our third annual NOVELWritingSite Contest for young writers! I hope you’ve been writing regularly, putting these lessons and exercises to work as you hone your storytelling skills. Are you ready to get some encouraging feedback? In May we will begin accepting entries–the first five pages of any story you feel is […]

Writing Lesson 3.19 – Say What…?

I just read this headline: Icebreaker Makes Push to Reach Iced-In Alaska City and my caring nature*, couple with my earnest desire to be reassured of the imminent safety of my stranded fellow countrymen, forced me to click and read the article immediately. *ahem, yes, sarcasm…but really, I DID click. Within three paragraphs I learned […]