…And a Happy New Year!

We’ll be back to regular Friday posts on January 6, 2012 with an article from our NEW CONTRIBUTOR, Shannon McNear!

In the true Spirit of the Season…

We wish you a Merry CHRISTmas!

Writing Lesson 3.15 – Just in Time for Christmas…

November is past, and NaNoWriMo with it. Whether or not you took the challenge to write 50K words in a month, here’s one way to see a story by YOU in print by Christmas! Snapfish is an online photo development company. Around the holidays, they offer special prices on photo scrapbooks–bound books, in a variety of […]

Writing Lesson 3.14-Well! That’s Odd…

If all goes as planned, this week we’ll begin remodeling our new home. Let me share a picture that I think ties in with our writing lessons–a Spanish Mission arch on the fireplace, a Dutch door, and a Colonial mantle! This struck me as odd the first time I saw it, but I couldn’t figure […]

Writing Lesson 3.12-The Theme’s the Thing

I majored in architecture, and our family is in the process of buying and remodeling a house, so perhaps you’ll understand if a lot of things lately make my thoughts turn to building. Whether you’re constructing a story or designing a house, it’s always a good idea to begin with the end in mind. The […]