Traveling Season – Seekerville

We’ve been taking a writer’s vacation, taking a tour of several blogs that offer great inspiration for writers. This week, we’ll be visiting Seekerville–a haven for unpublished writers. At, experienced authors write on a variety of topics from “Agent Interviews” to “Zeroing In on Your Story in One Sentence.” (I made that last one […]

Writing Prompt #2

Quick! What’s your favorite fairytale? Select one of the following: Rewrite the story in a modern setting. If the story is “about” the heroine, rewrite it from the hero’s POV. If it’s “about” a hero, write it from the heroine’s POV. Rewrite the story in 1st person. (Most fairytales are written in 3rd person omniscient.) […]

Traveling Season – Novel Journey

This week, let’s tour the Novel Journey blog at Novel Journey is one of Writer’s Digest’s 101 most valuable websites for writers in 2010–and for good reason! Every day a different author discusses a different writing-related topic, and these writers know their stuff! Hang out here for a while and you’ll begin to learn […]

Writing Prompt #1

Because summer schedules are typically more relaxed, there’s more time to dive into a good book. You can do this by reading, of course, or by working on a book of your own. Each Friday during the summer we’ll provide a writing prompt–something to stir your imagination and get ideas flowing. Start with a title […]

Traveling Season-American Christian Fiction Writers

Summer is a good time to travel–taking trips to places we might not have time to visit during other seasons. This summer, aNOVELWritingSite will take you on a blog tour. Each Monday we’ll visit sites that offer instruction or inspiration for aspiring writers. First stop on the journey: American Christian Fiction Writers at ACFW […]