Georgie-Porgie, Puddin’ and Pie

You know the nursery rhyme, but do you know the story behind it? Georgie-Porgie, Puddin' and Pie (King George was a fat glutton) Kissed the girls and made them cry. (He was also a philanderer who used his position to make unwelcome advances on … [Continue reading]

The Value of Primary Sources (Part 2)

So, continuing the discussion of how primary sources can feed our stories ... I forgot to mention that spelling and punctuation were not standardized until sometime in the nineteenth century. This can be very jarring for those of us trained to be … [Continue reading]

The Value of Primary Sources (Part 1)

Story research can be intimidating, thrilling, exhausting. When it comes to writing historical rather than contemporary, it’s doubly so. You must consider dress, transportation, location, accessories and weaponry. Then there are manners, customs, … [Continue reading]

Which Comes First: the Chicken or the Egg?

Motivation and Reaction Units (MRUs) comprise the majority of your novel. They are also something writers often struggle to master. The concept is simple. Which comes first, the motivation or the reaction? Motivation is the cause (occurs … [Continue reading]

A Method for Rewriting and Self Editing

It is tempting, when you see a contest listed on a blog or website, to whip out a story and to send it in promptly. It is tempting, when you hear of a magazine's or publisher's call for submissions, to spin off a piece that will suit the theme and to … [Continue reading]