Crafting Better Beginnings


(Part Two ) Opening Hooks and Setting Scenes that Don't Get Weighted Down In Part One of CRAFTING BETTER BEGINNINGS, I gave examples of using too much back story, of actually polluting our story openings with information dumps. Today we'll talk … [Continue reading]

Crafting Better Beginnings

(Part One) Examples on Stowing Away the Back Story and Cleaning Up Information Dumps Which opening is better? This one? There once was a prince named Erasté in a faraway land called Trevelyan. His father, King Elián Ruelle, was a kind a gracious … [Continue reading]

The Power and the Fear of Creating

Leaf by Niggle

This summer we've been talking about where story ideas come from. I hope we inspired some ideas. But sometimes when we say, "I don't know what to write about," it's our way of saying that our dreams are bigger than our current abilities. Our … [Continue reading]

A Fly on the Wall


You've heard that expression, haven't you? "Oh, I wish I could have been a fly on the wall!" means "I wish I could have been there to see THAT!" Stories can give us an insider's view, and that's always interesting, especially if we see the … [Continue reading]

Odd Jobs

The seeds of a story can be found in anything that piques readers' interest. What about a character who has an odd or unusual job? A flight attendant on Air Force One A maid or chef at the White House Tooth Fairy Buffy: Vampire … [Continue reading]