Writing Lesson 2.19 – Discovering the Arc

For centuries, explorers, scientists, and Bible scholars have been hoping to find the resting place and remains of Noah’s Ark. But as writers, we are on another search. We are exploring to find our story or character arc. A story without a compelling arc is unfinished. It lacks conflict. Characters don’t grow. The primary thing […]

Writing Lesson 2.16 – Write Better-Read & Review

You may have heard it said that good writers are those who read. Chances are you already love reading. Each of us has our own tastes and preferences when it comes to reading. Some love action books, others prefer a sweet romance.  And within each book genre there are many flavors, so that one action […]

Writing Lesson 2.14 – A Double-Launch Party…and a PRIZE!

Welcome to my double-launch party! Stick around; there’s a prize! My novella just released on December 1st from Black Lyon Publishing. It’s an inspirational romance called Heart Not Taken. For those of you who are unsure, a novella is simply a short novel. It’s too long to be considered a short story, and too short […]

Writing Lesson 2.11 – Plot Your Story FAST!

There are two primary types of writers out there. With affection, we call them plotters or pantsers. Plotters like to know where their story is going and usually use some type of outline to keep them on course. Pantsers launch in with only a vague sense of what is going happen next. They know their […]

Writing Lesson 2.8 – Where Motivation Lurks

What if you’ve got a time to write and a great story idea, but still the words won’t flow? Here are several ideas for jogging the story loose.