Melinda Evaul

Melinda Evaul is a North Carolina native transplanted to Tennessee. Her contemporary melinda-evaulChristian romances give readers a unique view of rural life in both states. Not afraid to tackle tough questions, she writes about people who grow spiritually through the difficulties life tosses in their paths.

Melinda is a pastor’s wife, mother of two, and grandmother of three. She’s also a registered nurse and water aerobics instructor. An award-winning writer, her articles have appeared in LifeLines Magazine.

Avid photographers, Melinda and her husband enjoy traveling America’s back roads where rural culture and history are preserved through a unique art form—quilt barn squares. Each book in the Quilt Trail Series deals with some aspect of quilting and its influence in the Appalachian region.

Proceeds from husband’s note cards, post cards, and prints contribute to the preservation of quilting and rural American culture. Melinda also donates money from her book sales to support various charities or quilt related projects.

Contact Melinda, find quilt trail items, or follow her blog at

Her novel, Grow Old With Me, is available on her website, and as an e-book on Amazon.