Traveling Season – Books & Such Literary Agency

An agent is a writing professional who specializes in bringing authors and publishers together and administrating contracts that are beneficial to both. In addition, many agents help their clients (and aspiring clients) learn more about various aspects of the field of professional writing. If you’re an aspiring author, lurking on a few agents’ blogs is […]

Writing Prompt #3

Last week’s writing prompt involved taking a new look at an old favorite fairytale. This week, you can keep the same story or choose a new one. Did you know that the older versions of some fairytales had other chapters that have been deleted over time? Let’s experiment with why we begin and end stories where […]

Drumroll, please . . .

The winning entries in the 2010 Novel Writing contest are: Dead on the Vine by Sonja Hutchinson (adult category) Minoru by Angela Bell (student category) Congratulations to these fine writers and to all who entered. Each story showed promise, and we appreciate the imagination, effort, and love of storytelling that went into each one. Reviewing […]

Traveling Season – Seekerville

We’ve been taking a writer’s vacation, taking a tour of several blogs that offer great inspiration for writers. This week, we’ll be visiting Seekerville–a haven for unpublished writers. At, experienced authors write on a variety of topics from “Agent Interviews” to “Zeroing In on Your Story in One Sentence.” (I made that last one […]

Writing Prompt #2

Quick! What’s your favorite fairytale? Select one of the following: Rewrite the story in a modern setting. If the story is “about” the heroine, rewrite it from the hero’s POV. If it’s “about” a hero, write it from the heroine’s POV. Rewrite the story in 1st person. (Most fairytales are written in 3rd person omniscient.) […]