Writing Prompt #7

Time to explore another genre. Summer is a great time to try on different styles and challenge your imagination! You don’t have to write a whole novel–just 500 words. It could be a short story or the first scene in a project to be finished later. The only “rule” is that your story should make […]

Traveling Season – The Ponderers

One to Watch! The Ponderers is a brand new site featuring our own Teri Dawn Smith, a recent finalist in the ACFW Genesis competition. These ladies are all excellent writers with an abundance of exciting ideas. You may want to bookmark this one!

Writing Prompt #6

Ready to spice things up? Last time we let one picture paint a thousand words. This time, let’s aim for a short story that includes some reference to the subjects pictured below. To me, these images suggest historical fiction or historical romance, but you don’t have to limit yourself to those. What other genres might […]

Traveling Season – Randy Ingermanson

Randy Ingermanson says: I’m a physicist, an author, and probably dangerously disturbed. I write about “The intersection of Science Avenue and Faith Boulevard” because that’s the corner where I live. This neighborhood doesn’t have many lights, so you see a lot of accidents around here. Be careful of the flying glass! My job in life […]

Writing Prompt #5

They say a picture’s worth a thousand words, so just a picture this time.