Writing Prompt #2

Quick! What's your favorite fairytale? Select one of the following: Rewrite the story in a modern setting. If the story is "about" the heroine, rewrite it from the hero's POV. If it's "about" a hero, write it from the heroine's … [Continue reading]

Traveling Season – Novel Journey

This week, let's tour the Novel Journey blog at http://www.noveljourney.blogspot.com/. Novel Journey is one of Writer's Digest's 101 most valuable websites for writers in 2010--and for good reason! Every day a different author discusses a … [Continue reading]

Writing Prompt #1

Because summer schedules are typically more relaxed, there's more time to dive into a good book. You can do this by reading, of course, or by working on a book of your own. Each Friday during the summer we'll provide a writing prompt--something to … [Continue reading]

Traveling Season-American Christian Fiction Writers

Summer is a good time to travel--taking trips to places we might not have time to visit during other seasons. This summer, aNOVELWritingSite will take you on a blog tour. Each Monday we'll visit sites that offer instruction or inspiration for … [Continue reading]

A Special Announcement!

Congratulations are in order for three NOVELWritingSite writers. Teri Dawn Smith, one of our regular contributors, is a finalist in the American Christian Fiction Writers' Genesis 2010 Contest in the Romantic Suspense category. In the same … [Continue reading]